What was the provision in the Pune Agreement signed between BR Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi in 1932?

Answer-A provision for joint electorate with reservation for Harijans was made between BR Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi in 1932.

NOTE-Poona Pact is also known as Pune Agreement. This agreement was signed between Bhimrao Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi in Narmada Jail of Pune on 24 September 1932. The British government had approved this agreement as an amendment to the Communal Award. In this agreement, separate electorate for Dalits was abandoned but the number of seats reserved for Dalits was increased from 71 to 147 in provincial legislatures and 18% of the total seats in the central legislature.

NOTE- Indian Council Act 1861 is a landmark or important event in the constitutional history of India. It is famous mainly for two reasons. In this, the Governor General was given the right to nominate representatives of the Indian people in his extended council and to deal with foreign affairs. And secondly, the legislative powers of the Governor General’s council were decentralized in it. In which the governments of Mumbai and Madras were also given legislative power.

Answer- 1773

NOTE- Regulating Act was passed in 1773. One of the objectives of the Regulating Act was to bring the activities of the East India Company in India completely under the supervision of the British government. Apart from this, a complete change was made in the governing committee of the company and its only objective was to accept the political existence of the company and make its business structure capable of conducting political activities. This act was passed by the British Parliament in 1773 AD and was fully implemented in 1774.

Answer- In 1877 AD

NOTE- Queen Victoria was born on 24th January 1819 AD and died on 22nd January 1901 AD. In 1837 AD, she was enthroned as the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1877 AD, she was declared Empress of India. Due to her liberal views, she became very famous among the Indian people. Victoria ascended the throne at the age of 18. In 1858 AD, the administration of India was taken from the East India Company and handed over completely to the British state power. The proclamation made in the name of the Queen made her popular among the Indians because it was believed that the liberal views expressed in the proclamation were true. They were a reflection of his personal and liberal thoughts.

Answer-Maintaining the status quo of the native princely states

NOTE-According to the declaration of Queen Victoria dated 1 November 1858, it was declared that henceforth India would be governed by the British King and his West Secretary of State. The Governor General was given the title of Viceroy, which meant that he would represent the King.

Answer-Separate electoral system

NOTE-The main objective of the Morley Minto Reforms was to confuse the liberals and divide the nationalists and destroy national unity by adopting the communal electoral system. Its only objective was to do so.

Answer- In 1909 AD

NOTE- India Council Act 1909 or Morley Minto Reforms India Council Act 1909 is also known as Mallya Minto Reforms because at that time Morley was the Secretary of India and Lord Minto was the Viceroy. It was called Morley Minto Reforms in the name of both of them.

Answer- Morley Minto Reforms 1909

India Council Act in the year 1909 which is also called Morley Minto Reforms, through this Act the principle of election system was recognized for the first time in India. For the first time Indians got representation in the Executive Council of the Governor General and the members of the Central and Legislative Councils were also given limited rights.

Answer- Communal representation

NOTE- Government of India Act of 1909 AD is also called Morley Minto Reforms in the name of Secretary of India and Viceroy. It was created to satisfy the liberals. Lord Minto is also called the father of communal electorate because through these reforms he introduced the principle of separate electorate. The Indian National Congress in its session of 1909 welcomed other reforms of this Act but completely opposed the provision of setting up separate electorates on the basis of religion.

Answer- Dual Government in Parliament

NOTE- The following were the features of Montagu-Chelmsford reform.

1.Establishment of bicameral legislature at the centre.

2.Making arrangements for general elections at the centre.

3.Introducing the system of parliamentary governance at the centre.

4.Forming a Public Service Commission.

5.Giving women the right to vote for the first time.

6.Separating the Union budget from the state budget was a provision of this reform.

NOTE- In the year 1946, the Prime Minister of Britain, Italy, announced to send a three-member high-level cabinet to India. This cabinet included three members of the British cabinet, including Lord Pontius Lawrence, who was the Secretary of India, Sir Peter Forsyth, who was the President of the Board of Trade, and Rev. Alexander, who was the First Lord of the Administration or the Naval Minister. They were given a special authority and their task was to find ways and possibilities for peaceful transfer of power to India.

Answer- The following were the objectives of the Cabinet Mission

1.The main objective of the Cabinet Mission was to form a Constituent Assembly.

2.Partition of India was also an objective.

3.The members of the Constituent Assembly were to be elected indirectly by the people.

4.It was to be decided that one member of the Constituent Assembly would be elected on 10 lakh population.

5.There will be a total of 389 members in the Constituent Assembly, out of which 296 members would be elected and 93 members would be nominated, out of which 14 members were from Rajasthan.

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